A little bit about myself
Lorena Cantó Woltèche
My name is Lorena Cantó and I am a professional violist with an active career as a performer in various ensembles, such as The Jubilee String Quartet. On the side of music, from a young age I liked calligraphy and playing with paper – You probably have experienced before, the incredible creative power that emanates from an empty piece of paper – Anyway. I experimented and developed my artistic skills until I started learning graphic design as a hobby, creating all the publicity content for my own concerts. Suddenly it all clicked. The two paths I had been nurturing had merged together into a portfolio career. Since 2021, I am proud of being personal assistant to the director of the Sands Films Music Room.
What I do...
What I do is create high-quality advertisement materials for individuals, ensembles and businesses with relation to the arts. Being surrounded by musicians all my life has given me the confidence to help others develop a personal branding image that represents who they are and what they do. Together with all the experience I have gathered over the years, I will give you advice on how to establish yourself a position in the industry as well as strengthening your online present.
5 Common Mistakes
Being a musician is not an easy profession. For many years we are under a lot of pressure to master our instrument – a very time-consuming buisness- until one day we realize we need to earn money.
Here are five mistakes musicians make that can impact their career:
- Thinking an audience is primarily attracted by a name.
- Thinking it is not necessary to have a professional image.
- Settling for a visual identity without cohesion.
- Thinking that it is only about mastering a couple of editing programmes.
- Waiting to be hired by an agency who will take care of everything.
Get them right!
You are probably thinking I am now taking all the glamour out of being a musician, but the truth is that I made exactly all those mistakes. When I first decided to create the content for my concerts I realized it wasn’t just about designing content, there had to be a strategy. It wasn’t about creating one image but to create a solid promotion I had to design many more. Besides the edition of programmes and posters, advertising in all the different media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn…) involved knowing all the different requirements and being flexible with the content too.
Now with my experience, I can help you get these right! If you would like to receive advice on how to promote yourself, strengthen your image online and develop your creative career make sure to click the subscribe button.